Body Doubling with ADHD

by Dr. Liz, March 18, 2023

mortarboards tossed in the air

quote about body doubling Many people with ADHD have trouble with initiating and completing tasks. This is especially true for tasks that are boring, mundane, difficult, or complex. It’s hard to get started if you are anxious or unmotivated. It’s hard to keep going if you are easily distracted or just can’t focus. This can result in sloppy work, missed deadlines, and feelings of guilt and shame. Instead of going it alone, why not give body doubling a try?

What is Body Doubling?

Body doubling is using the presence of another person to stay on track with a task. The other person is the “body double” who works alongside you. When you need to complete a task that is challenging or frustrating, working with a body double can help you stay calm, motivated, and focused. That helps you to keep working and to be more productive!

How Does it Work?

Man and woman body working You and your body double set up rules that work for the both of you. You decide how long you are going to work, and how to break up the work session. Some people use the Pomodoro method – using a timer, you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Keep repeating those times until you reach the end of your work session. You can tell each other what you plan to accomplish in each “pomodoro” and then check-in during the breaks to stay accountable. You can be working on the same type of task or two totally different things. Or you can be working on a task while your body double sits quietly, reads, or listens to music with headphones. It is not WHAT your body double is doing, just that they are there, keeping you in the moment, and reducing the risk of distraction.

Why Does it Work?

people body doubling There is really no research that proves body doubling works, or can explain why, but many neurodivergent people who have tried it find that it does work. Having company while working can help you be more efficient and effective and help you feel more in control of a dreaded task. There are several reasons why people with ADHD may experience positive responses to body doubling:
Camaraderie – Working simultaneously with another person can make a challenging or mundane task seem more fun or rewarding. Research shows that the brain changes when people engage in tasks together – the dopamine pathway is activated by social encounters.
Social pressure – Watching someone else who is focused on a task can help the watcher feel more focused as well. They are modeling attentiveness!
Behavioral triggers – Body doubling forces participants to choose a task to work on, choose how much time to work on it, and be accountable to someone else. They must actually implement the task and work on it during the session.
Accountability – We are more likely to keep working and accomplish something when we are doing it with someone else. We like to please others, not disappoint them, and feel responsible for the body double’s time.

How Does it Help?

visual timer There are many benefits to body-doubling. For example, you can develop new skills by watching how your body double works. Conversely, your body double might learn something about the challenges of having ADHD! When you body double, you are not alone – someone else is there feeling your pain. Having a set time to begin and end, and knowing there are breaks in-between, can help you get started and keep working - you learn to overcome procrastination. If you get frustrated, seeing someone else who is calmly working can help you stay focused. And once you tackle a dreaded task, you can celebrate – your self-esteem will improve!

What Can I Do During Body Doubling?

You can work on whatever task you need to accomplish - your taxes, your homework, a report for work. Some people even use the structured time to tackle jobs around the house like folding laundry or organizing closets. The sky is the limit as long as you and your body double set the ground rules.

Does Body-Doubling Work for Everyone?

Body-doubling does not necessarily work for everyone. If watching someone else work productively makes you stressed, then give it a pass. You also want to make sure you and your body double aren’t spending “work” time socializing instead. You are trying to limit distractions! You won’t know whether it will work for you unless you give it a try. You may have to try a couple of different body doubles until you find the right one for you.

How Do I Find Someone to Body Double With?

To find a body double, ask a friend with good study habits, or a co-worker that you respect if they have ever done it or would like to give it a try. Put up a poster in the dorm to see if anyone else is interested. Mention it in conversation and see if anyone bites! If you have an ADHD/Executive Function coach, ask them! They may be able to work with you or introduce you to other people who are looking for a body double.

What Makes a Good Body Double?

woman on couch on computer Anyone can be a body double - a friend, classmate, relative, co-worker, etc. You are looking for someone who is calm, quiet, and can work independently. Again, you are trying to reduce distractions. They should be supportive and non-judgmental, and not make you feel ashamed or “less-than.” You can work with more than one body double at a time (like a study group) or use different body doubles for different tasks (your sister for cleaning a closet, a classmate or friend for studying). You can also body-double in person or online.

F2F vs. Online Body Doubles

During the pandemic, lots of people found body-doubles online. If you put “virtual body doubling” in your favorite search engine, you will find literally millions of sites. Some cost money and some are free; read about the rules and regulations before you sign up for an online service. You can find lots of groups on social media as well. You may work better with just one person, or you might not mind a screenful of faces working – it is up to you to figure out the least distracting way to make body doubling work for you.
If you choose to body double in person, you can arrange to meet in a library, a coffee shop, outdoors, or wherever you both/all think you can find a relatively distraction-free location.


Body-doubling can be a great way to get and stay motivated to complete a task that you are dreading or have been avoiding. Having someone else present (either in person or virtually) can provide an anchor of calm and focus. Give it a try and see if it works for you!


Quote image:
Man and Woman Working:
Two Women Working:
Time Timer:
Woman on couch on computer: Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels


The Body Double: A Unique Tool for Getting Things Done:
What is 'body doubling' for ADHD?
‘Body doubling,’ an ADHD productivity tool, is flourishing online:
Could a Body Double Help you Increase Your Productivity?
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What is 'body doubling' for ADHD?
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